T.I.O.M *- Try-It-On-Monday !
Okay, last week I was super excited. This week, I’m completely overwhelmed by all this new knowledge. I don’t know where to start with. How can I authentically embed technology within my curricular area? Outch! Time for a little thinking about how I have been using new technology…Honestly I’m not tech savvy but I’m not either technophobe. What are the tools I can use? I have an interactive whiteboard and how I’m using it? Sad to say that it’s mainly a TV screen. My IWB is a visual support for the students. I turned it on to put pictures or posters to introduce new units. It’s useful to make corrections of exercises. Although I was trained to use the Smart notebook software, I have used it to create noughts and crosses games with vocabulary and verb endings. It also allows students to play online via learn & play websites. Well, it’s not that boring at it seems. I also use “Plickers” and the kids just love it and me too!!! That’s a great tool for real-time assessment. I also can hav...