T.I.O.M *- Try-It-On-Monday !

Okay, last week I was super excited. This week, I’m completely overwhelmed by all this new knowledge. I don’t know where to start with.
How can I authentically embed technology within my curricular area?
Outch! Time for a little thinking about how I have been using new technology…Honestly I’m not tech savvy but I’m not either technophobe.

What are the tools I can use?

I have an interactive whiteboard and how I’m using it? Sad to say that it’s mainly a TV screen. My IWB is a visual support for the students. I turned it on to put pictures or posters to introduce new units. It’s useful to make corrections of exercises. Although I was trained to use the Smart notebook software, I have used it to create noughts and crosses games with vocabulary and verb endings.
It also allows students to play online via learn & play websites.
Well, it’s not that boring at it seems. I also use “Plickers” and the kids just love it and me too!!! That’s a great tool for real-time assessment. I also can have the students revising terribly annoying parts of some French grammar and conjugation. And they’re all having fun seeing the answers coming live on the screen. Funnily enough, they always want to see whom did it wrong!! They are enjoying it so much that they’ve created the verb “to plicker”.

Matching the standards

Regarding the things I’m already doing, how does it match the NETS for Students and Teachers? At least, one standard is met partially and that would be this one for the students: Creativity and innovation.
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
And this one for the teachers: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
Teachers design, develop and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments.

Easily said….

Now that I have identified what I have been doing, I should start to work upon more NETS standards. Easily said but not easily done…
I should start using the Bloom’s Digital taxonomy. I found this pyramid made for the Early years particularly useful.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] https://prairieinspiration.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/blooms.png[/caption]

But I have the feeling that it won’t be enough. “Living and learning with new media: Summary and findings from the Digital Youth Project" explains in the chapter “Geeking out” : “Geeking out involves learning to navigate esoteric domains of knowledge and practice and participating in communities that traffic in these forms of expertise. It is a mode of learning that is peer-driven, but focused on gaining deep knowledge and expertise in specific areas of interest. (…) Internet-based communities that support geeking out have important learning properties that are grounded in peer-based sharing and feedback”.
One of the successes in students learning is not only connection but also feedback.
Having that in mind, blogging would be a great activity as it could be linked to several areas of the curriculum as Chrissy Hellyer explains in her blog “Connecting students through blogging: 10 tips”.

Our responsibilities as educators.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="520"] https://www.jisc.ac.uk/sites/default/files/funding-model.jpg[/caption]

For the last three weeks, I have been learning about a strong PLN and its impact. Andrew Marcineck says : “Students get it. They understand how easy it is to connect with one another, but don't fully realize the greater potential. As educators, we have all benefited greatly from our personal learning network or critical friends group. (…) This must be transferred to our students as they begin to connect regularly both inside and outside of school. As educators, we must model positive use of learning networks and groups, and give students the proper foundations in the effective use of social media.”
Technology, new media, digital tools are all around us. We use them on daily basis. It is about time for me to apply what I’ve been doing every day for personal matters in my teaching practice.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="634"] https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/11/11/article-1328439-0C006628000005DC-505_634x369.jpg[/caption]

*Try-It-On-Monday. Thank you to Sonya terBorg. I heard this expression from you at ECIS TechConference 2015.


  1. I know that feeling of being overwhelmed. So many great ideas, so little time. I think Sonya's (another COETAILer!) idea of Try It on Monday is a great place to start. Do what you can do. Try it out. See what works for your kids and what doesn't. Start with what you want your kids to learn (to communicate) and find the tool that works the best. Can't wait to see what you figure out!

  2. Hi Magali,
    I love the idea of Try it on Monday.How about this idea for some collaboration between our departments. Can you take Grade 1's iPad's to French class on Monday and make a show me which they can then post on their Kidblog ? Working together like this bring real connections to the learning happening in the homeroom and the French Department. What do you think? Thanks, Joel

  3. Hi there!
    I like your blog post because it is exactly how a lot of us are feeling being overwhelmed... but look at you! You are reflecting on what could be happening which is way more than just thinking "oh, I don't know how to". YAY you!
    We have Apple TV in our classrooms and when I had my old phone I could connect onto it while kids were working and zoom in on their work. I didn't know what my purpose in doing so was but that I wanted to try it.
    It was so cool and simple enough to grab students' attention that they started working harder so that if they wanted to they could call me over and show their work, from the comfort and safety of their own seats, to the whole class.
    I think that as teachers there is this view that we know it all- but as soon as we throw ourselves out of our comfort zone and tell the kids about it they too feel more comfortable testing things out.
    You are doing great just by 'geeking out' and sharing your thoughts on your blog! Good luck. NKS

  4. Hi Joel,
    That's a great idea for Monday morning! I'll definitely do it!
    Thank you

  5. Hi Rebekah,
    Joel suggested a great idea with the i pads. I'll try it in a couple of hours!

  6. Hi there,
    Thanks for your comment!
    I'll try something new this morning with my first graders and the i pads. Let's see how it goes!


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