Reflections on the first minutes of Genius Hour

New school year, new beginning!

Last year, I tried my very first genius hour and it was such a success that I decided to work on it for my final project.

[caption id="attachment_458" align="aligncenter" width="300"]_mg_2014 via[/caption]

My plans were ready and I was hoping to follow this quiet path!

The brainstorming of the ideas went very well and we had a lot of topics to choose from.

I was concerned that this part of the project took a lot of time but my students were quick to pick up a topic and confident on how to approach it.

When my grade 5 students came into the classroom for the first session, I was delighted to use the new devices that the school acquired!

[caption id="attachment_459" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Photo by M. Brutel Photo by M. Brutel[/caption]

Why Genius hour in French class

Authenticity, engagement and students’ voices

It first brings authenticity in the classroom. And authenticity means purpose and engagement. That’s one of the main reason I choose this project. Conversations and discussions are always better and more passionate when my students choose the topic.

This well-known RSA animate: Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us from Dan H. Pink really explains best why choose Genius Hour.

New relationships with my students

Since we started the project, it feels like I know my students better and they know me better. Learning with them and along them changes the way we interact, we talk to each other. I’m no longer the leader (what I believe I never was) but a coach. To use Genius Hour effectively, get all your pieces together and ready to go so that you can use your valuable face-to-face time with the students. Your job is to coach and advise them through the process.

Genius Hour is personalized education as Nichole Carter explains in Genius Hour and the 6 essentials of personalized education.

Dual role teacher

Learn about your students

Create a culture of collaboration

Create an interactive learning environment

Build flexible pacing but with structure

Create authentic assessments

Digital literacy

Did it ever happen to you? You look up for information on the Internet, your read just the headlines of an article and you feel like an expert, like you know a lot! My students are no different!

With the Internet, we really have the world’s knowledge at fingertips. However, I’ve asked them to search deeper on their topics and while doing so I also teach them how to be safe online. The first links that came up may be not enough.

After each session, my students have to log their searches, their thoughts, their reflections and what comes next.

So far, journaling really helps them deeper their thinking and their understanding.

[caption id="attachment_460" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Photo by M. Brutel Photo by M. Brutel[/caption]

When the unexpected happened!

Too much freedom (risk-taking?) can be scary at times! I experienced it with one of my students. At the end of the second session, this student burst into tears:” I don’t know what to do, I don’t know where to start, I don’t know what you want me to do!” I was so surprised that I felt like…bursting into tears too!!!

After some comforting words, I was saved by the bell. My student went to recess meanwhile I reached the Genius hour community. What I read and what teachers told me reassured me that it happened (and that I could expect some projects to fall through)

Next lesson, I started over with my student taking all the time he needed. I wanted to make sure that he understood what Genius hour was and I showed him some examples of what has been done already, explaining step by step how Genius hour could be built.

Learning is not easy task but it should always be fun!

Related topics

A.J. Juliani

Genius Hour

Joy Kirr’s live binder

Credit photos: Featured and top, photo under copyright used with the owner permission,
Middle and down : M. Brutel


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